Had to cross this street from the hotel to get to the office... Frogger anyone?
Suffolk legislators approved a home rule message Tuesday calling for a study and referendum on the merits of Long Island seceding from a "tyrannical" New York State government, though they are unlikely to be taking up muskets for an armed revolt.Where are the teabaggers when you need 'em?
The dormant Long Island secession movement awakened by presiding officer William Lindsay (D-Holbrook), who, angered by the regional payroll tax imposed by state lawmakers to fund the Metropolitan Transportation Authority bailout, called for a vote on the matter to register his anger about the new tax.
Still, every dog has his day, and Cheney is barking up a storm on the efficacy of what can colloquially be called torture. He says he knows of two CIA memos that support his contention that the harsh interrogation methods worked and that many lives were saved. "That's what's in those memos," he told Schieffer. They talk "specifically about different attack planning that was underway and how it was stopped."That's some twisted logic. The ends justify the means. In a nation of laws, that's a very slippery slope. Imagine I decide to rob a bank but donate the money to breast cancer research. While the act of donating the money to charity is good, the means by which I arrived at the funds to provide that donation was illegal. Same goes for torture. Torture is illegal. No matter how much good information was gathered does not abrogate the Bush Crime Syndicate from answering to the law.
Some of the developing world's largest rivers are drying up because of climate change, threatening water supplies in some of the most populous places on Earth, say scientists.Before they melt, maybe it's time to start hauling icebergs down from the arctic to build reservoirs for these soon-to-be parched areas.
Researchers from the US-based National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) analysed data combined with computer models to assess flow in 925 rivers — nearly three quarters of the world's running water supply — between 1948 and 2004.
A third of these had registered a change in flow and most of them — including the Niger in West Africa, the Ganges in South Asia and the Yellow River in China — were dryer.