I guess it's true. It's hard to spin this in any kind of positive light."Why should I help you when what you write will be used to the detriment of our company?" replied Bill McNamee, head of CitiFlight Inc., the subsidiary that manages Citigroup's corporate fleet, when asked to comment about the new 7X.
"What relevance does it have but to hurt my company?"
1 comment:
No, McNamee, YOU are one of the ones hurting your poor, litle company with your blindly arrogant behavior. YOU are responsible.
It's funny, the repubs all want to talk about going back to the traditions of the founding fathers, except when it comes to their attitudes about corporations. In those times, people forming a corporation had to get a charter from the state for its existence; and they were only allowed to stay in existence a certain amount of time, until their stated goal, such as building a railroad, was completed. Then, they were dissolved. How things have changed. Now, thanks to the error of a court clerk in the 1890's, corporations have the rights of personhood; but they also have one privilege that none of us will ever have, namely, potentially unending life. They can legally live forever. What an edge! It's led to a gross imbalance of power between corporations and the people who run them and feed on that power, and the rest of us who are exploited one way or another by them. This gross power imbalance needs to change.
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