In a fascinating but hardly surprising follow-on from the Mormon church's support of the "Yes on 8" hate campaign, there is a large movement afoot to boycott all things Mormon and all things Utah. Part of the effort is to encourage filmmakers to boycot the Sundance Film Festival until it moves out of Utah. LGBT activists are also encouraging supporters to boycott the Marriott hotel chain and its subsidiaries because of their close ties to the Mormons.
But what's more interesting, they're gearing up for a fight to strip the Mormon Church of it's tax exempt status. Clearly, battle lines have been drawn.
...Somehow an economic boycott doesn't feel direct enough; those who team up against gay people must learn that there are consequences.If you support this effort to take on the LDS, please sign on to this petition to strip the Church of its tax exempt status. For those of us who believe in equal protection under the law, it's our obligation to fight this hate with every means at our disposal.
That's why we are seeking to strip the Mormon church of its status as a religious organization. According to IRS law, "no organization, including a church, may qualify for IRC section 501(c)(3) status if a substantial part of its activities is attempting to influence legislation (commonly known as lobbying)."
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